Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - We Need To Be Pragmatic And Grown Up Following The PMs Resignation

We need to be pragmatic, grown up and make absolutely sure we put the country first.

It became increasingly clear in Parliament this week that confidence in the PM was draining. Ministers were openly discussing the 'when' not 'if', but the actual announcement yesterday surprised everyone - far sooner than expected.

I suspect after the chaos of the vote on Wednesday evening that was the final straw. Colleagues would have made that clear and the Prime Minister decided she would announce she would resign whilst it was still her choice. Whilst I hadn't supported her in the leadership contest, I cannot fault her dedication to duty. Despite all the challenging international and national issues, she did manage to deliver the essential Energy Support schemes and ultimately settle the markets, so crucial to households across Swindon.

Now, the future. My opening statement matters, it matters more than ever before. With the global economic pressures, we must act quickly.

Last Friday showed what a difference that can make. I was initially surprised that Jeremy Hunt was made the Chancellor, but as a self-made, successful businessman - he had the experience and knowledge to take decisive action. Stabilising the markets, crucial for people’s mortgages, pensions and our ability to raise money for our vital public services. This matters. I speak to residents everyday – we, the elected representatives have a responsibility and in these testing times we must deliver.

So, who should be the Prime Minister? Since the announcement I have been doing a whirl wind of media: BBC, Sky, Channel 4, ITV, Times Radio, Points West and BBC Wiltshire. I have delivered the same message each time.

It is the team that matters. I will support a Prime Minister who can bring the very best of my colleagues to the top table. The ones who can deliver as competent, credible Cabinet Ministers, are confident in the media and understand the collective responsibility we face. So, whoever that maybe, it has to be more than the individual. I want and I expect them to quickly talk and work through a way to unite and give us the strongest possible team.

I don't care if they are One Nation, ERG, Brexit, Remain or who they are friends with. The world has moved on, this is about the future. This has to be about ability - we owe that to the country.

With the Energy Support schemes in place, record employment and the strongest projected growth of the major economies there is light at the end of the tunnel. We must collectively step up and deliver - never losing sight that you earn the right to represent. A Conservative Government that grabs that with both hands to make a positive, tangible difference to people's lives is essential.

This has never mattered more than now.

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