Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 12th August

The sporting spirit is back as the Rio Olympics are well and truly underway! And what a fantastic start it has been for Team GB, in part thanks to Swindon’s very own Jazz Carlin who won a well-deserved silver medal in the 400m freestyle swimming. Jazz’s Olympic journey began locally with the Swindon Tigersharks and as a town we can rightly be very proud of her tremendous achievement.

And the sporting future of our town looks very bright, especially as I have re-visited Draycott Sports Camp where there are over 200 young boys and girls participating in the summer sports camp which based at Oakhurst Primary School. The camp was established by PE teacher Mark Draycott three years ago and there a range of activities on offer including gymnastics, athletics, hockey and football.

Sporting opportunities are also opening up so that everybody is provided with a chance to take part. I am very much looking forward to my visit to one of the football sessions hosted by Swindon Mind and Active Life next week at the Croft Sports Centre. I am also hoping to join one of the walking netball sessions later on in the summer. In my new role as Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport I am working closely with Sport England to ensure that sport is available for everybody to enjoy; whether playing or watching it live.

When I return to Parliament I will be hosting the Parliamentary Sports Fair alongside the Sport & Recreation Alliance. The aim will be to encourage fellow MPs to engage with the relevant sporting bodies to try and promote the work that they are doing up and down the country to get more people playing sport. We have a whole host of different sports taking part and I am thrilled to be hosting the event alongside Tanni Grey-Thompson, the former Paralympic athlete.

So whilst it is fantastic to see everybody inspired by the athletes in Rio and in awe of their achievements; it is up to us politicians as well as Sport England and all of the major sporting bodies, and of course the athletes themselves , to ensure that the Olympic legacy continues beyond the games itself. This includes providing support to local clubs to help them deal with the extra interest that comes their way as a result. Locally, I am always happy to visit clubs and offer my office as a place for clubs to host meetings and seek advice from Sport England. 

Like the Olympic flame we must ensure that the passion for sport continues to burn brightly!

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