Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 14th June 2013

It was exceptionally sad to hear this week of the loss of Councillor Rex Barnett.  Rex was one of those with a real effortless charm and endearing cheek that cut through politics and put him at the heart of the community, be it as a Councillor in his home of Haydon Wick, or in Swindon as a whole as Mayor.

As Mayor he was seen chasing people around Lydiard Park to collect money for his local charities (he raised record amounts) and, as a Councillor, Rex was never happier than when berating the Environment Agency and Thames Water to secure £10m flood defence funding for his community.  Rex always made a difference.

An inspirational Councillor, a record breaking Mayor and a friend to many, Rex is a huge loss.  Above all, he was a real friend to Swindon and he will be greatly missed.


It has been nearly 40 years since the British people last had their say on Europe.  It was 1975.  Sold a dream of free trade and economic co-operation, the British bought their tickets and boarded the train for the promised and revered ‘EEC’. 

Yet look where we have actually been taken.  Free trade has been diluted by the slavery of overregulation, economic cooperation has become political union and our Parliament has its sovereignty and freedom eroded day by day.  We have been taken to a federalist-super state and it is time that we caught a train back.

We all rightly feel that the EU we see today is not the EU we signed up for, but as in 1975, we Conservatives feel strongly that it is the British people who should once again make this decision: in, or out.  Last month there was a vote, triggered by a Conservative MP, to express support for an EU Referendum.  I, along with my colleagues, voted for it.  Labour and the Liberals voted against.  We lost that vote, but we will try again.

In the next few weeks the first stages of our European Referendum Bill will kick off.  Again this will be triggered by a Conservative MP, again I will vote for it and almost certainly, again Labour and the Liberals will vote against.  We will not give up.  We will not give up until either we have a majority or the opposition remove their blinkers.  We will not give up until Britain once again has the chance to decide.

I urge you all to sign the petition to pledge your support at www.letbritaindecide.com.   I have pledged my support for a referendum time and time again in Parliament as I believe we all deserve a say.  I hope you too will Back the Bill and give us all that chance

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