Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 15th August

This summer, across Swindon, hundreds of young people aged 16-17 will have taken part in the National Citizen Service (NCS). NCS is a scheme that was the personal project of Prime Minister David Cameron.

The idea was a summer scheme to help young people build skills for work and life, whilst taking on new challenges and meeting new friends. I am a real champion of NCS in Parliament, promoting the fantastic work of both New College and Swindon College in running these increasingly popular programmes, backed by increasing Government funding. Throughout the four week programme the students have an opportunity to spend time away from home, learn new skills and use these to support local charities back in Swindon.

Every year I take time to meet the students and I have seen first-hand their transformation over the programme. This week I met the Swindon College students as they completed their voluntary work at the Toothill Community Farm. I also had the opportunity to act as a (friendly!) Dragon as the New College students pitched their fundraising plans for local charities.

This year they had chosen: Young Carers, Harbour Project, Food Bank and Prospect Hospice. All the pitches were professional and I have no doubt this week they will work hard to raise as much money as they can.

Their confidence, work ethic and determination to put something back into their local community is amazing, which in the future will make their CVs stand out. They are all a credit to our local community and I am proud to support their work.

l The ongoing Averies fire at Marshgate continues to frustrate and anger local residents. The multi-agency taskforce has been working tirelessly to resolve this and it is a credit to Swindon Borough Council that they have stepped up to lead on this. The current wrangle is who should pay for the immediate safe disposal of the waste if Averies are unable to do so.

Myself and Robert Buckland MP firmly believe it should be the Environment Agency – they issued the licence so the buck stops with them.

It should not be for SBC to either provide an alternative temporary site, or pay for the disposal. We are confident with our pressure the EA will step up and rightly so.

l Finally, I hope all the nervous students (and parents!) who got their A Level results yesterday got the grades they were hoping for. Our local schools and colleges have got excellent results, a real testament to the hard work of the students and staff. Whether you are off to university, into vocational learning or work, I wish you every success to the next part of your journey.


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