Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 15th July

It was one in one out on Wednesday as David Cameron left No.10 and Theresa May replaced him within a space of an hour. And the new PM got straight to work as she began to fill her new cabinet leading every MP to promptly ensure that their mobile phone had been fully charged!

I wanted to take this opportunity to pay tribute to David Cameron. He has been a dignified statesman throughout his six years as PM with a number of proud achievements made by his Government, of which I am proud to have been a part of. Since 2010, the economy has had a complete transformation with the deficit as a share of GDP cut by nearly two thirds. There have also been a staggering 2.5 million more people in work with the security of a pay packet. That is 1066 people for every day that David Cameron was in charge.

There are over 1.4 million more children in good or outstanding schools, 2.9 million new apprenticeships have been created and over 700,000 new homes have been delivered since 2010. We have seen the introduction of the new National Living Wage – giving people over 25 on low wages a pay rise – and we have lifted 4 million people, and rising, out of income tax altogether. David Cameron’s legacy was one where people found work, stayed in work and were allowed to keep more of their own money.

Theresa May has big shoes to fill but I have every confidence that she is more than up to the job. With a record of stability, fierce negotiation and a strong record of experience; she will continue to build a Britain for everybody and not just the privilege few.

She also has an important job to do in uniting the country in a post-Brexit world. Encouragingly we have already seen the creation of two new departments which are focused on carrying out the task that the country set in leading negotiations to formally leave the EU. For those people who are still nervous about the prospect of Brexit rest assured that this new Government is focused on creating a bold new positive role for ourselves in the world.

Whilst the last few weeks have certainly thrown up some political surprises, Theresa May’s new Government signals a resoluteness to continue with the job in hand. The job of turning our economy around and making Britain even greater. For me it is business as usual and as ever, I will continue to prioritise my fellow local residents and continue to be an approachable, visible and hardworking MP for North Swindon.

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