Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 15th May

Thank you to all of the North Swindon residents who re-elected me with an increased majority of 11,786 last Thursday. It was the proudest moment of my life.

I am extremely grateful to be able to continue representing my fellow local residents. For those that didn’t vote for me, I respect your views and will continue to stand up for everyone in our town - regardless of their politics.

Returning to Parliament this week has been like the first week back at school. The first day is spent working through all of the correspondence which has built up over the course of the election campaign, whilst catching up with colleagues and greeting the new, fresh-faced MPs.

It’s an exciting time and I can still remember my first day in Parliament vividly. Arriving at the gates, it was hard to contain my pride and excitement, and it wasn’t long before I found myself getting lost in the vast corridors of the Parliamentary Estate (which stretch over 3 miles), including an embarrassing wrong turn into the Parliamentary kitchens.  I have spoken to a number of the new MPs and reminded them of the importance of casework, we have a fantastic opportunity as an MP to help support local residents when it matters most.

After the excitement of the first day back, it was then reshuffle time as the Prime Minister decided which MPs would be chosen to serve in the Government.

Early on Tuesday morning I took a call to ask me to meet with the Prime Minister in one hour, no other details.  It was very surreal as I realised this was when the next batch of Ministers were being confirmed, so I arrived at Downing Street and walked past all of the media, with no idea what to expect.  After a short wait in reception the Prime Minister invited me and formally invited me to join the Government as the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Disabled People - a Ministerial role within the Department for Work and Pensions.  I am so proud to have been given this opportunity and will do my very best to make a difference, drawing on my experience of working with and supporting many fantastic local organisations and charities in this field, right here in Swindon.  I will talk about the role and work involved more next week, once I have had chance to settle in. 

I will never forget my utmost priority is representing North Swindon and I am still as enthusiastic today as I was when I was first elected in 2010. To be re-elected and promoted within a week has been a real whirlwind and thank you again to everyone who has supported me, I really do appreciate it.

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