Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 18th September

Congratulations are in order to Jeremy Corbyn. Politics aside, he blew away his opponents and found a way to engage with the Labour movement.  Jeremy managed to set himself apart and secured a decisive victory.  Starting the long three month campaign as a 200-1 rank outsider; if only we had joined the person who had £200 on him winning at those odds!  

We’ve already seen in the first few days how the public and media will pick up on every intentional or accidental gesture. Scrutiny is much greater as a Leader compared to the backbenches.  He will have much to do to win the backing of his Parliamentary colleagues, many of their key figures have already stepped aside - only a strong organised team can be an effective Opposition.  He will bring a different style and political perspective - whether he will last 100 days, or even go on to be Prime Minister, time will tell; but it’s clear politics has changed.

However, this victory doesn’t change the fact that the Labour Party has made a significant lurch to the Left, potentially changing the face of our political landscape forever. For us in Government, we have a renewed strength to push our case for less debt, more jobs, lower taxes and increased wages. The platforms for the election in 2020 are already beginning to form, and it’s more clear than ever that only the Conservatives can deliver a strong economy, stable public services and national security. 

Locally, I’ve been delighted to support the new ‘Grammar Stream’ initiative launched by Swindon Academy in partnership with Marlborough College. From September 2016, the new Grammar Stream will provide places for 30 students each year to enjoy a highly academic Grammar school-style education, based in, and as part, of Swindon Academy.

I met with Swindon Academy last year to discuss this fantastic initiative which will enable students to reach their potential. The scheme will be open to children across Swindon via the annual Swindon Schools Admissions process with an additional exam in November. By providing a highly academic and rigorous curriculum, the scheme will challenge the most academically able children in Swindon with no fees whatsoever for parents. 

Having been to a school that was bottom of the league tables myself, I am passionate about improving education and the opportunities available to young people. Schemes like this will offer a style of education that is too often only available to students whose parents can afford private fees. This initiative will provide this opportunity to youngsters based purely on their ability, rather than their background.  

I strongly believe that a good education should be available to every child, and I am delighted that Swindon Academy are looking at ways to provide this for children across Swindon. 

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