Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th December

Christmas is fast approaching and perhaps there is no better time to welcome yet more encouraging economic news for Swindon, as the UK continues to benefit from the strongest growth rate of any major economy. 

Firstly, this week it was confirmed unemployment had fallen a further 1,369 in the last year alone, down to just 1.6%. We are providing hardworking families with the security of a pay packet and I am proud that Swindon has seen a 56.8% fall in unemployment since 2010. Swindon’s local economy is showing staggering growth, with 7,400 more people now in work than when we came to power. 

Secondly, wages are rising above inflation. This is a major moment in the British economic recovery with a record number of people in work and wages rising above inflation. It’s a clear sign our long-term economic plan is working, building a stronger, healthier economy.

For me, Christmas will be an opportunity to have a few restful days with my wife Jo and our family. I am conscious though that not everyone is fortunate to have family and friends close by. Therefore I want to pay tribute to the army of volunteers who give up their time to provide, support, help and sometimes simply company to those less fortunate across Swindon.

I have recently been working hard to support the Swindon Stroke Support Group based in Stratton St. Margaret, which has run since 1981. The Charity goes to fantastic lengths to support those who have suffered from strokes as well as their relatives. They provide weekly social evenings which involve a chat, tea and biscuits, a game of cards, dominoes, scrabble, quizzes, bingo and anything else they can think of! A local trip out is organised most months of the year as well as an annual holiday.

Having met both the members and volunteers you can see how much of a difference to their everyday lives this charity makes. I am actively helping to identify new volunteers and potential donors to keep the group going and this year myself and the North Swindon Conservative Councillors have made a small donation to the group as part of our Christmas cards to local residents. The group has also organised fundraising bag packing at Waitrose on Saturday, so if you are shopping there please do say hello. More information on the group can be found at: www.swindonstrokesupportgroup.btck.co.uk

2014 has been a busy year and as ever I have enjoyed every minute of being the local MP for North Swindon.  I am very proud to champion our town, it is something I wouldn’t swap for anything. 2015 is likely to be just as hectic, but for now, I wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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