Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th July 2013

Yesterday, the division bell that rings across Parliament to signal a parliamentary vote fell silent for Summer Recess.  For the next six weeks it will not ring, there will be no scrum at the escalator as hundreds of MPs race to get to the division lobbies within the eight minute deadline.

The week before Summer Recess is always the same.  Monday and Tuesday are about the busiest you will ever be, making sure that what needs to be done in London is done and that the office is prepared to work without me there.  Recess rules are agreed, summer projects are planned and even the dirty cups have to be washed up.

Wednesday afternoon is spent making a pile of everything in my Westminster office that needs to come back to Swindon for Recess.  I didn't think much of it as I added letters and a huge collection of Parliamentary reports and books that need to be read before we return.  Before I knew it I was faced with what can only be described as a mountain.  Granted it was no Everest, no Kilimanjaro, but it was at least a Ben Nevis.  Helpfully laid next to it was my very small bag.  With a tube and train journey beckoning in the sweltering heat, it was certainly a slower trek home juggling the boxes!

I am sure that parents across Swindon are about to go through a similar thing as every painting of the year, every exercise book and the dirty PE kit all come home en masse for the summer holidays, but the truth is that Recess is not a holiday.  Both myself and my colleague Robert Buckland MP remain very active.  Recess is an opportunity to visit as many organisations, clubs and residents in Swindon as possible.  Whether it is a formal visit to meet a local business to discuss their challenges and opportunities, a local charity to see first-hand their work or a community coffee and tea morning (always milk, one sugar for me) to chat with local residents – the diary is soon packed.

We are fortunate to be invited to so many fantastic visits and events, but also some can be simply spontaneous, something I have seen as I drive past and have pulled in to see what is going on. 

The sun is shining on the first day of Recess and I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible and seeing what Swindon is up to over the summer.  As a local resident myself, I am exceptionally proud to be here representing you at the very heart of our community, if you do see me at an event, please do come and say hello.

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