Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 1st July

Where on earth do I start?!  A week is a long time in politics. At the moment it seems a few minutes is a long time.  Who could have predicted these events?

Brexit (surprisingly?), PM resignation, markets down, markets up, Conservative Leadership contest, not quite a Labour leadership contest and it is only Thursday lunchtime!

Now with only 440 words I can’t cover them all, but I can give an insight to the Conservative Leadership contest as we at least now this will happen.

Our leader is selected by fellow Conservative MPs and our Party membership.  Initially, with more than two candidates, these will be whittled down to the final two by a series of votes amongst fellow MPs, with the first vote next Tuesday.  The candidate with the fewest votes will be eliminated and further votes will take place every Tuesday and Thursday until we are left with just two.  These are then put to the wider membership who make the final decision which is timetabled for no later than September 9th.

So this week potential candidates (and there were many!) started to organise their teams, who in turn started to make calls, setting up meetings, lobbying for support.  I don’t think my phone has ever been so busy!  Throughout this week Robert Buckland and I have spoken continuously.  We trust and respect each other’s judgement and we understand the importance of selecting a Prime Minister who will have to hit the ground running, no time to grow in the role as is the case when you are selected for Leader of the Opposition.

Now Robert and I have never voted the same way on a free vote in Parliament: Equal Marriage, Assisted Dying, EU Referendum etc but finally we found common ground, our instinct was Boris Johnson.  He is the one politician with the extra magic that engages and enthuses even in times of voter apathy.  We agreed to support him in the early hours of Thursday but events quickly overtook us and as is the tradition of all leadership contests, the favourite fell. 

For me I need to think hard; I am torn. Stephen Crabb, has been impressive to work with offering a fresh-start, or Theresa May who offers experience vital in these uncertain times.  Perhaps by the time this paper will have landed on the doormats I’ll have chosen.

However I want a decisive winner next week.  If there is a clear vote, I want the other candidates to rally round.  With Labour currently AWOL, this country needs stability – we do not need the two main parties having protracted leadership contests, it is time govern.

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