Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th February

This week myself and fellow Swindon MP Robert Buckland were pleased to welcome the Minister for Life Sciences, George Freeman, to Swindon. He stopped off as part of a tour of the South West which was aimed at celebrating the regions success when it comes to the life sciences. 

We decided to take him to Patheon, the producers of speciality pharma solutions which has had its European headquarters based in Covingham since 1999, and employs 450 people locally. 

As a leading global provider, Patheon has a reputation for scientific and technical excellence. The Covingham site is currently undergoing an expansion because the company has chosen to manufacture and launch a number of new and innovative products here. 

Robert and I had previously visited the site last year, so it was great to be back to see the progress that the new development has undertaken since then. It is also a big priority of ours to show support to companies who continue to invest in our town and help contribute to local job creation. 

The Minister was also delighted to see the site.  His portfolio on Life Sciences includes championing research, innovation and the use of technology, with the aim to transform health and care services. The biggest priority is to ensure that patients across the UK can have access to the latest innovations and medical advances as soon as possible. 

In 2011, the Prime Minister launched the industrial strategy in life sciences with £3.5 billion worth of investment into the UK which is expected to create over 11,000 new jobs. In addition to the strategy, a review into the development of medicines and medical technology was launched towards the end of last year.

Remarkably, it takes an average of 10 years, and £1 billion to create a brand new drug. The Department for Life Sciences is aiming to significantly speed up this process through advanced digital technology and ground-breaking developments. By doing so, the aim is to give patients quicker access to innovative medicines and effective diagnostics.

Ultimately the Government is focused on revolutionising the way in which the UK gets the most up to date medicines and devices into the NHS, and ensuring that we become the best place in the world for 21st century medical innovation. The life sciences sector is also creating investment, which is being targeted into both research and manufacturing, which in turn is contributing to our economy by creating new jobs.

Here in Swindon, we’re lucky to have a company like Patheon who are contributing to this highly advanced sector. The Minister thoroughly enjoyed the visit and it was great for Robert and I to show off the very best of our highly-skilled town!


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