Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th November

This week our hearts go out to the French people and all those who lost loved ones in the attacks in Paris over the weekend. This wasn’t just an attack on one of Europe’s greatest cities, but an assault on all of us who value liberty and democracy.

We stand united with France and all of those who wish to see an end to the continued terror inflicted by ISIL. Here in the UK we have risen to the task of demonstrating our solidarity with the French people, especially at Wembley Stadium where football fans united to sing La Marseillaise in defiance of those who threaten us.

As ever with such a tragic event, there are questions that are raised that need answering. Firstly, it is crucial to not confuse migration with terrorism. The refugees fleeing Syria are escaping the same terror that we witnessed on the streets of Paris. This is a common enemy and the Syrian crisis is one of the greatest issues facing the world today. The UK has a moral responsibility to help our fellow human beings who also wish to see ISIL defeated and peace returned to their home country.

Secondly, we need to be clear about the threat facing our country. Our security services have already thwarted a number of plots that were designed to bring death and destruction to our streets. They are silent heroes working behind the scenes to keep us safe and we must do all that we can to equip them with the powers that they need to counter this threat. This is why the draft Investigatory Powers Bill is so vital.

We also need to be clear that proper border controls and checks are necessary to make sure that the people who come to our country do not threaten us. In response to the increasing threat of international terrorist attacks new funding will be invested in intelligence agencies to provide for an additional 1,900 officers, an increase of 15 per cent, at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. There will also be a step change in the Government’s approach to aviation security following the Sinai disaster, with the Prime Minister ordering a review of security at airports around the world.

Finally, we need to seek a comprehensive military solution that will work alongside other nations to defeat ISIL once and for all. We all wish we could live in a world with no violence, but when people initiate cold-blooded mass murder on the streets of Europe, I am afraid that inaction is not an option.

Ensuring the safety of the British people is the top priority, and we will continue to do everything we can to combat those who want to destroy us and the values we hold.

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