Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 21st October

A good education can be the single greatest transformer of lives. I know from personal experience how easy it is for people to drop out of the system and waste their potential. 

The education reforms of the past 6 years and the hard work of teachers have led to 1.4 million more children being taught in 'good' and 'outstanding' schools. Based on my own education at a comprehensive that was consistently bottom of the league tables, I am passionate about ensuring opportunity and encouraging aspiration. That is why I spend a lot of time in Parliament speaking in debates and asking questions of the Secretary of State for Education. Locally I regularly visit all of the primary and secondary schools in North Swindon where I really appreciate the time that the teachers take to engage and share their views.

Last week I revisited Swindon Academy where they have just launched the Grammar Stream programme in partnership with Marlborough College. The Academy has partnered with the top independent school to provide places for 30 students each year to enjoy a highly academic curriculum. The scheme is aimed at pupils who consistently achieve at Level 5 or higher in Primary School and who are hardworking and committed to the additional homework and prep needed to achieve outstanding academic results.

Whilst it wouldn’t be suited to every child, the grammar stream is providing the more academically minded children with a chance to fulfil their potential. I spoke with the pupils taking part and they were really thrilled at the chance that they were being given to challenge themselves and work hard on the subjects that they enjoy. The parents were particularly delighted that their child was being provided with a rigorous academic education, which would allow their child to reach their full potential, without them having to pay fees for a top independent school.

What’s more, the stream is integrated into the Academy so every child in the school is given a chance to join the programme at whatever age, so it isn’t completely dependent on a child being able to pass an 11+.

Fundamentally we need to make sure that the education system offers something for every child. The Grammar Stream provides opportunity for academically minded children here in Swindon which is fantastic. But we are also making sure that we offer the same alternatives to children who may have a creative flair or a passion for sport. We have offered the University Technical Colleges as an alternative for pupils with an appetite for all things technical.

The guiding principle when it comes to education should always be; to provide an opportunity to succeed for every child, regardless of ability or background. 

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