Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 23rd December

It was tragic to hear of the attack on the Berlin Christmas market where 12 people were killed by a suspected Islamic extremist. A further 49 people were injured. Our thoughts must be with those who tragically lost their lives as well as the families who now have a poignant gap at the table this Christmas.

The perpetrator Anis Amri was a known terrorist supporter. Whilst it is heart-breaking to see these sorts of attacks on the streets of major cities, we must never let the terrorists win. Tolerance should always defeat hate, and liberty should always defeat fear.

We will always be proud that our society is built on equality, democracy and respect for the law. We shall always promote freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom from abuse. We must always clamp down on those who seek to disrupt this and we should not rest until every last one is defeated. Of course we should also send out a message to the terrorists. Our festivities will not be ruined and we shall celebrate Christmas to show that we will not be subject to fear in our own communities.

This leads me on nicely to take the opportunity to pay tribute to our police force, security agencies and our armed forces, both at home and abroad, who do so much work, the majority of it unsung, to keep us safe. Locally, I’d like to thank our local police teams who do extraordinary work under ever increasing pressures, to protect our town and neighbourhoods.

Locally I have been pleased to support a number of good causes throughout the Christmas period, including hosting a fundraiser for the Prospect Hospice and Macmillan on Tuesday.  In 2015-16 Prospect Hospice cared for and supported almost 6,400 people, as patients, carers and family members, through a range of services developed to bring care, comfort and confidence at life’s most difficult time.

Similarly, Macmillan improves the lives of people locally providing practical, medical and emotional support to those with, or affected by, cancer. It was a lovely evening where people got together to support both charities. Elsewhere I took part in a collection at Asda on the Orbital Shopping Park where busy shoppers were very generous in donating money to Swindon’s MS Therapy Centre.

Finally I was pleased to see that Swindon Borough Council will be receiving some money through the Housing & Technology Capital Fund for People with Learning Disabilities fund. The £25 million national fund was announced in September to help develop housing solutions for people with learning disabilities across England.

Lots of local authorities put in bids but I am delighted that SBC has successfully bid for £340,000 to develop 3 sites with 34 bungalows which will accommodate 36 service users with SMART technology. Everyone needs a place they can call home and everybody needs a sanctuary where they can be close to friends, family and their communities so I am glad those with learning disabilities will be able to have a home with cutting-edge technology that maximises independence and choice.

May I take this opportunity to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a big thank you to all of those who are working over the festive period to deliver our vital frontline services.


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