Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 24th July

The summer holidays are here again as schools across Swindon close their doors for six whole weeks, much to the delight of students! For working parents however, finding things to keep children occupied presents a real challenge. There is also the problem of increasingly expensive summer holidays, something which many unhappy parents often contact me about. 

Holiday companies and airlines see a surge in demand for family holidays during the six week summer holidays, so naturally the prices inflate. This coincides with stricter rules around children missing school during term time. Whilst its important that a child doesn’t miss out on a single second of their education; I can understand the frustration that parents feel when they want a family holiday, but can’t afford one during the peak six weeks.  

The Government has already acknowledged this problem and has given schools the power to set their own term dates. However many schools in Swindon are not taking advantage of this ability. This is why I will be writing to every single one of them to suggest that they take the opportunity to move their term dates to allow some time outside of the peak holiday season. If they take this advice up, then different holiday dates could benefit both parents and teachers when it comes to affording some time in the sun. 

In terms of keeping youngsters occupied at home, there are opportunities in Swindon for fun and affordable ways to keep them entertained throughout the day which are tailored for a variety of different interests. One of these, which I visited earlier in the year during half-term is Draycott Sports Camp at Oakhurst Primary School. The camp is run throughout the day and involves a variety of sports from football and netball to lacrosse and hockey. It is a great, affordable option on offer to parents who can rest assured that their child is having fun whilst staying active. For more info go to www.draycottsportscamp.com

Summer also means that many teenagers in Swindon will be taking part in the National Citizen Service - a three week course for 16/17 year olds that involves a range of activities including drama, sports, music and community projects. I have long been a supporter of this scheme and I wish all of the youngsters taking part this year a big good luck, and a well done for getting involved in the first place. 

On a final note it is also the summer recess for MPs. Whilst some may sceptically assume this means a big long break, residents of North Swindon can rest assured that I will be out and about every day in Swindon visiting organisations and knocking on peoples' doors!

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