Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 25th November

This week Philip Hammond delivered an Autumn Statement that provides a stable economic platform as the UK leaves the EU. It set out how we will support our economy as we begin writing this new chapter in our country’s history.

We will continue to be the fastest growing major advanced economy in the world, and by 2020, the deficit will be at its lowest level in two decades. Crucially we are getting the country back to living within its means, which means that for every commitment we as a Government make, we must remember that tax-payers will have to pay for this and that they expect us to spend their money wisely.

We want to tackle the long-term challenges and ensure Britain’s future productivity. This includes investing £23 billion into a National Productivity Investment Fund, which will be earmarked for high value-generating infrastructure and research. This is significant for the Research Councils and Innovate UK based here in Swindon who will be integral to creating the UK as a thriving hub of productivity.

Our strong growth and record jobs in every single region in the UK (here in Swindon there have been 8,900 more people in work 2010) is because of our focus on a business led recovery and we welcome that business rate relief remains, alongside cuts to corporation tax, allowing us to be the most competitive developed country and thus open for business.

We are also helping hardworking people to keep more of the money they earn. Raising the tax-free personal allowance has done more to help ordinary working people than almost anything else; cutting tax for 28 million people since 2010 and taking 4 million people out of income tax altogether.

As well as taking millions of people out of tax, we will increase the National Living Wage from £7.20 to £7.50 in April 2017 – a further pay rise for 1.3 million people worth over £500 a year to a full-time worker. In addition, a package of additional enforcement measures will make sure everyone entitled to the National Living Wage receives it.

Elsewhere I had a great evening last week hosting a celebration evening of the voluntary sector in my office. The event was organised by the Zurich Community Trust, which since its creation in 1973, has donated over £65 million to good causes.  Last year they delivered £2.8 million of charitable activities and, through the full range of its programmes, improved the quality of life of over 100,000 disadvantaged people. It was therefore a real privilege to work alongside them to put on this event for all of the representatives of different charities from across Swindon. A big thank you must go to the wonderful volunteers from the Open Door Centre who helped on the night and made sure everybody had an enjoyable evening.

Finally lots of festivities this weekend starting with Highworth Christmas lights switch on this evening! Followed by the famous Coca-Cola truck which rolls into Swindon tomorrow, including stopping off by my office on the Orbital Shopping Park in the afternoon. There is also the annual Christmas fair tomorrow at the MS Therapy Centre from 10am onwards.

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