Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 27th March

This is my final Swindon Advertiser weekly article of this Parliament, with the General Election set to begin.  On behalf of all the candidates, I’d like to apologise for all the election leaflets you will be receiving!  Campaigning is a vital part of democracy but I do wonder if we perhaps simply cancel each out - but we do live in hope that some people do read them!
It is has been a strange final week in Parliament.  For many MPs they won’t be returning to Parliament – some through choice (retirement) and some given no choice by the electorate.  Every MP has to pack up their office, final speeches and votes are made and goodbyes are exchanged.  I was interviewed by BBC Points West closing up my office and they did ask what I would do if I wasn’t re-elected.  I said, ‘I would spend more time watching football’ however shortly after it aired my wife called me to dismiss that idea! If I am not re-elected she has a long list of jobs – uh oh!
I have been so proud to be the MP for North Swindon and I am still as enthusiastic as the day I was elected. The five years has flown by!
National politics aside (and we will all pass our own judgements in the coming weeks) I have tried to be different, restoring faith into a damaged political system.  As a fellow local resident I have always been hard-working, visible and approachable – I was even voted the 3rd most helpful MP in Parliament.  I have an excellent record of speaking and voting, making sure Swindon’s voice is heard.  I have also championed our local charities and organisations at the very heart of our community, helping raise over £100,000.
In Swindon since 2010, unemployment has fallen by over 60%, with 8,100 more people now in work and 7,010 new apprenticeships.  We have seen 5,345 new start-up businesses and the £30m Regent Circus development kick-starting development alongside the £140m local infrastructure funding.  We have secured £10m extra for Swindon schools through the Pupil Premium, a further £4.3m through the new fairer funding formula and the new £10m University Technical College.
I have led the successful campaigns to secure the new Secondary School for North Swindon and the new Speedway Stadium, a welcome boost for our local community.
Thank you for having given me the opportunity to be your representative.  I have shown determination and a real passion to champion our fantastic town, working right across the political divide.  Swindon is a town on the up and I am proud to have played my part.
Finally may I wish all candidates in both the General and Local elections the very best of luck, roll on Thursday May 7th!

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