Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th August

I am very proud that in Swindon we have seen over 5,000 new businesses started up since 2010, the fastest growth rate in the South-West, helping bring down unemployment by 46% in North Swindon. As a Small Business Ambassador for the Conservative Party and a former business owner myself I know that whilst it can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be a real challenge, especially in those first few years not just to grow, but to survive. 

Local businesses are crucial to providing job opportunities for local residents, so I dedicate a significant amount of time to visiting, meeting and crucially supporting our local businesses and entrepreneurs.  Rightly they will often lobby for me to push for changes in laws, regulations and the taxes they pay.

As a Government, through our red-tape challenge we are reducing bureaucracy, freeing up businesses to get on and trade.  We have cut taxes for businesses: through reducing corporation tax, extending the small business rate relief and providing significant incentives for employers to recruit more staff.  I have also pushed both in Parliament and locally the importance of providing young entrepreneurs with real, tangible experience and opportunities of starting up their own businesses.  It is vital we continue to create an environment that supports local businesses to grow.

Many businesses will fail, sometimes because their offering isn't right, but especially if you are a new business you simply become overwhelmed with everything you have to juggle.  You may be an excellent salesman, but struggle with admin, accounts, marketing or HR – it is difficult to be a master of all the areas needed.  This is where support, particularly mentors can make all the difference.  Time and time again I see successful businesses have thrived because they have built up a network of support, whether just friends, or through formal groups.  Having the opportunity to talk through challenges and ideas with people with business experience is vital to making the right decisions. 

Last week I was invited to speak at one such group, Business Wise, a Swindon-based organisation where members meet for a weekly network breakfast forum.  What impressed me was how each member would enthusiastically bring forward 60 seconds of advice per week, sharing their experiences and lessons learnt.  Chair Nigel Pursall did a cracking job keeping it fast-paced, relevant and encouraged help.  The group would also seek new clients and introductions – it was clear every single business benefited from the collective support and sharing of ideas.

As a town we need to shout out about the support and help that is available for local businesses and I am proud to champion their success, delivering the next generation of jobs and economic growth for Swindon.

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