Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th May

Behind Wednesday's Queen’s Speech was a clear vision for what our country can aim for.

A country that offers security and opportunity for all, at every stage of life. Our vision is to build a Britain where, whoever you are and wherever you live, you can have the chance of a good education, a decent job, a home of your own and the peace of mind that comes from being able to raise a family and enjoy security in retirement.

The State Opening by Her Majesty the Queen is one of the cornerstones of our democracy where the key pieces of legislation that the Government looks to pass over the next twelve months are outlined.

One of the bills to be brought forward is the Full Employment and Welfare Benefits Bill which will require frequent reports on the Governments progress towards reaching full employment and creating a further 3 million new apprenticeships. This will aim to build on the achievements of the last Parliament where we saw 1,000 new jobs created every day and 2 million new apprenticeships. The bill also outlines plans to reduce the benefit cap to £23,000 a year - fulfilling our commitment to ensure that it always pays more to be in work rather than on benefits.

Elsewhere the Finance Bill will set a ceiling on the rates of Income Tax, VAT and National Insurance so they cannot be raised above current levels, thus ensuring that we lessen the burden on hardworking people and allow them to keep more of their own money.

The Housing Bill will extend the Right to Buy to housing association tenants, whilst providing a framework for the starter homes programme and the Right to Build. This will provide more people with the chance to own their own home – something which everybody should have the opportunity to do, not just the wealthy.

Finally, other bills including the Childcare Bill which doubles the amount of free childcare to 30 hours a week for 3 & 4 year olds, the Immigration Bill, which will see us take back control of our borders and the EU Referendum Bill to finally allow us to shape our future in Europe were also included in the speech. These are key issues which were brought up on the doorstep repeatedly, and I am very pleased to see this Government addressing them.

On a completely separate note, the Queen's Speech was able to lighten the disappointing mood set by the result of the play-off final on Sunday. Losing at Wembley is never fun, but I was extremely proud of the way the town got together and adorned the M4 motorway with red scarves! There is always next year and the players, staff and fans should be congratulated for this last season.

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