Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 2nd August 2013

'Politics' means different things to different people.  Some will think of our local town, bin collections, our excellent local schools and our lovely parks.  Others will think of the global forces that govern world trade, emerging economies like China and Brazil and world conflicts.

Yet the two need not be so far apart.  Take Taiwan for example.  Its economy is growing fast, it is already half the size of the UK's, and it is a key strategic gateway to the lucrative Chinese market with $118.6 billion of direct exports last year alone.  What relevance does this emerging economic power have to Swindon?

Firstly, we have a Swindon-China trade group led by Jeremy Holt, of Clark & Holt Solicitors.  He has previously arranged five visits to China to help promote and secure trade deals for local Swindon businesses.  I was keen to build on this to help garner more opportunities for our Town.  Being an MP requires a variety of skills, but 'cheek' can come in extremely handy.

Luckily for Swindon, I have that in bucket-loads, already raising well over £50,000 for local charities and organisations from businesses since being elected.  All you have to do is ask!

Ask is what I did when I met the Taiwanese Ambassador at a Taiwan Christmas Reception for MPs.  They were showing us low energy LED lights that Taiwan manufacture and how they are making a difference in some of the poorest parts of the world powered by small solar panels.  I instantly thought of Swindon and local charity Lights for Learning who make similar solar powered LED lighting systems and travel out to Africa to install them in schools and clinics.  I asked if Taiwan would give some of their LED lights to Lights for Learning and this week I was delighted to welcome the Taiwanese Ambassador to our Town to present the charity with 200 LED lights, worth around £6,000.

The visit was also a fantastic opportunity to build on the success of the Swindon-China trade group and the Ambassador took the time to speak directly to key local business representatives about potential opportunities. Further meetings have been agreed, with Forward Swindon keen to take a lead.  Last year we traded nearly $7 billion with Taiwan, showing the value that this relationship could bring to our local economy.  The UK is Taiwan's second largest trading partner in Europe and there is a real opportunity for Swindon to be at the heart of that. 

As the MP for North Swindon, I'll never be afraid to ask – it is amazing what you can get!

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