Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 3rd January

As we toasted in 2014, my friend and I decided to respond to a plea from Swindon Supermarine FC for fans to come along and help clear the pitch first thing in the morning.  A few glasses of wine had helped fill us with confidence that the rain was surely nearly at an end, so an early morning start would help secure the key match against Guildford.  Keith and I arrived, wellies on, pitch forks in hand at 9am, but alas we were greeted with surface water across the pitch and the rain set in for the day.  Just like my hopes of being a professional footballer when I was growing up, my efforts as an assistant grounds man would also be thwarted!  We were left with no option but to pop on the kettle for the fellow helpers, wait for the referees pitch inspection and the inevitable thumbs down. 

Whilst we shared in the disappointment of the match being called off, yet again it showed me just how much work volunteers put in behind the scenes to organise sporting matches, events and opportunities for players and fans.  In Swindon we are blessed with so many great sporting teams, whether it is the high profile teams that dominate the back pages in the Advertiser or the equally committed teams of all ages and abilities cheered on by one man and his dog.  I’ll certainly be doing all I can to support them in 2014, now let’s just hope the weather does its bit!

Turning to the economy, in 2013 the difficult decisions we took began to bear fruit and we bucked international trends.  Strong growth, falling unemployment and record numbers of new businesses all bode well for 2014.  To secure a long term recovery the Prime Minister has set out 5 key plans for 2014:

  • Reducing the deficit so we deal with our debts, safeguard our economy for the long term and keep mortgage rates low.
  • Cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty to help hardworking people be more financially secure.
  • Creating more jobs by backing small business and enterprise with better infrastructure and lower jobs taxes.
  • Capping welfare and reducing immigration so our economy delivers for people who want to work hard and play by the rules.

Delivering the best schools and skills for young people so the next generation can succeed in the global race.

We are in it for the long-term, doing what’s right, not what’s easy. We’ve come a long way already. Together we’ll make 2014 the year when Britain really starts to rise.

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