Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th June

There are times I still pinch myself that I am actually lucky enough to be an MP and on Wednesday we had the Queen's Speech, one of the most exciting times to witness first-hand all the pomp and ceremony of Parliament.  The Queen's Speech sets out the Governments legislative programme for the Parliamentary year, the final one before the 2015 General Election and includes:

Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill – Making it easier for small businesses to start, grow and employ people.  Cutting red-tape, easier access to business loans, £20,000 fines for not paying the minimum wage, cracking down on zero hours contracts and limiting public sector golden goodbyes.

National Insurance Contributions Bill - Tackling avoidance and making payment easier for the self-employed.

Infrastructure Bill - Delivering the biggest investment in roads since 1970sand in rail since Victorian times. Increasing exploration of shale gas, turning the Highways Agency into government-owned company, speeding up the planning system, controlling invasive non-native plants and freeing up public land for homes.

Pensions Bill - Reforming pensions so that people who work hard & do the right thing have more security in their retirement.  It will give pensioners total control over their own money & greater financial security in their old age.  Completing sweeping changes to workplace pensions to give employees more certainty about their income in retirement.

Childcare Payments Bill – Providing tax-free childcare worth up to £2,000 per-year-per-child from September 2015 for under-12s and building upon the £5 billion a year the Government already spends on early education and childcare.

Modern Slavery Bill - Life sentences for people traffickers, protection from prosecution for victims and more powers to confiscate proceeds of crime.

Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill – Protecting volunteers and have-a-go heroes from being sued if things go wrong.

Service Complaints Bill – Supporting armed forces personnel; tackling bullying and harassment.

Serious Crime Bill – Prosecuting those who advise and help criminal gangs including lawyers, creating a new offence of possessing a 'paedophile manual', a Cinderella Law against parents who deprive children love and affection, extension of laws on female genital mutilation and prosecution of Britons suspected of committing terrorism abroad.

Recall of MPs Bill - A by-election would be triggered if an MP is guilty of serous wrongdoing and 10 per cent of local electorate back the chance to have a vote.

We rightly promise tax cuts, cheaper childcare and more generous pensions, building an economy that rewards those who work hard.  We will continue to back business and support entrepreneurs to secure our long-term economic plan, helping make a real difference to both the UK and right here in Swindon, using strong economic growth to put money back into people's pockets.

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