Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 8th July

Wednesday was a difficult day for all the families of those who lost loved ones during the Iraq War. They have waited for many years for Sir John Chilcot to publish the findings of his report and this week it is only right that our first thoughts must be with them. We hope they can take some comfort from knowing that we will never forget the incredible service and sacrifice of their sons, daughters, husbands and wives.

The Iraq War, both the lead up to it and the aftermath, were hugely important events in this country’s recent history. Although I wasn’t an MP at the time, I can still remember Tony Blair addressing the House of Commons whilst hundreds of thousands of protestors marched on Parliament. It is a huge credit to our democracy that we are able to have fully independent inquiries like Chilcot, which hold Governments and key decision makers to account. 

Whilst the UK cannot turn the clock back, we can ensure that lessons from this report are learnt and acted on. That is why this Government has already established a National Security Council (NSC) and appointed a National Security Adviser to improve decision-making and increase our ability to scrutinise intelligence. We are also ensuring that our Armed Forces always have what they need.

Intervention is hard, but there are times when it is right and necessary. As with our intervention against Daesh in Iraq and Syria today. Britain must not and will not shrink from its role on the world stage or fail to protect its people. But one thing we must ensure; we must NEVER put our brave service personnel on the line unless every other solution has been exhausted. 

On a much less serious note, I was glad to escape the exhaustive and ongoing political drama surrounding Brexit and the leadership contest this week as I was able to welcome pupils from Westrop Primary School who came to visit Parliament. They were able to quiz me on how Parliament works and what it’s like to be an MP. I was jealous to hear that they had travelled to London in the Swindon Town team bus!

This takes me onto one last final note – Swindon Town will be on the bus heading to Swindon Supermarine this Saturday as we have the annual Swindon friendly. If, like me, you are missing the football season and want to forget (quickly) the recent disappointment of England’s performance, then do come along to the friendly at the Webbs Wood Stadium. K.O is 3pm and tickets are only £5 each. I hope to see you there!

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