Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Awarded £25 Million From Government Future High Streets Fund

  • The Government has invested up to £830 million from the Future High Streets Fund

  • Swindon will receive £25 million from the fund - the highest amount to be awarded in the country

  • Investment will support areas to recover from the pandemic and help transform underused town centres into vibrant places to live, work and shop.

  • Ambitious plans will help protect and create thousands of jobs as part of the levelling up agenda.

Swindon MPs Robert Buckland and Justin Tomlinson are delighted to announce that Swindon has been awarded £25 million from the Government’s Future High Streets Fund. The money, which is the highest amount to be awarded in England, will be used to modernise the town centre. Plans include a new public transport hub and improved cycle and pedestrian routes.

In a major boost for local high streets, up to £830 million from the Future High Streets Fund will be invested in 72 areas across England, Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick announced today (26 December).

The funding will help these areas transform their high streets into vibrant hubs for future generations and to protect and create thousands of jobs.

In a key milestone for the Government’s levelling up agenda, this investment will help areas to recover from the pandemic while also driving long term growth. It will enable the delivery of ambitious regeneration plans, drawn up by places, and fund new local projects such as improvements to transport infrastructure, new homes and the transformation of underused spaces.

The funding will also help to protect and create thousands of jobs in a range of industries, delivering opportunities and prosperity to communities across England. Confirmed plans include:

  1. £24.6 million to support the delivery of 186 new homes, road safety improvements and a permanent new space for the historic market in Birkenhead.

  2. £17.9 million to boost Worcester town centre by renovating the Scala Theatre and Corn Exchange, transforming underused space to create new homes for first time buyers and improving connectivity.

  3. £25 million for Swindon’s plans to modernise its town centre, including a new public transport hub and improved cycle and pedestrian routes.

This funding is part of wider support the government is providing to communities and businesses, to protect jobs, support the most vulnerable and ensure no one is left behind as we tackle the Covid-19 pandemic head on.

Swindon MPs Robert Buckland and Justin Tomlinson said:

“We are both delighted that after spending many months championing Swindon’s cause alongside the Conservative led Borough Council who helped prepare this bid, Swindon has been awarded £25 million - the highest amount to be awarded in the country.

“Our high Streets are a key part of our local communities and local economies. They create jobs, boost the local economy and help small businesses thrive.

“We recognise that changing consumer behaviour and the rise of online shopping presents a significant challenge to our town centre and we are glad that the Conservative Government is taking action to help it evolve.

“This money will be used to modernise our town centre, ensuring that it is fit for the future. This will include a much-needed improved public transport hub and improved cycle and pedestrian routes.”

Communities Secretary Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said:

“The year ahead will be a big one for the high street as it seeks to recover, adapt and evolve as a result of the pandemic. Today’s £830 million investment from the Future High Streets Fund is one of many ways the Government is working to help our much-loved town centres get through this and prosper into the future.

“The role of high street has always evolved. We want to support that change and make sure that they are the beating heart of their local community – with high quality housing and leisure in addition to shops and restaurants.

“This investment will help us build back better and make town centres a more attractive place to live, work and visit.”

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, said:

“We are supporting our high streets to get through this pandemic through business grants, paying people’s wages and tax deferrals.

“The Future High Streets Fund will help areas bounce back through regeneration projects that level up opportunities and create jobs right across the country.”

The Future High Streets Fund was launched in December 2018 and is a key part of this Government’s plan to renew and reshape town centres – making them a more attractive place to live, work and visit. £107 million of the Future High Streets Fund has been allocated to DCMS to support the regeneration of heritage high streets.

The Future High Streets Fund is just one of the ways the government is supporting the retail and hospitality sector. During the pandemic, we made it easier for areas to adapt to the challenges they faced. This included making it easier to demolish and rebuild unused buildings to create homes with our High Street Homes Permitted Development Rights; providing restaurants, pubs and cafes with the freedom to offer takeaway services; and making it easier for businesses and communities to host markets and stalls so customers can be served safely.

In May we launched a fund to help councils reopen high streets safely and we recently announced that retailers will be able to extend their opening hours over the festive period to help keep shoppers and staff safe.

This month we extended protections from the threat of eviction for businesses unable to pay their rent until March 2021, taking the duration of these measures to one year.

Our recent proposals for the new Parking Code of Practice will support shoppers visiting their local high street by introducing a tiered approach to private car parking fines and ensuring a fair appeals process.

We are also reviewing the provision of public toilets to ensure that there are appropriate facilities for visitors to town centres.

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