Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Groups Benefit From £380 Million Youth Investment Fund

Three Swindon youth organisation are to benefit from part of the Government’s £380 million Youth Investment Fund.

The Fund has been designed to create, improve and expand local youth facilities and services across the country, to support young people’s health, wellbeing and skills for work and life, no matter where they live.

The funding will help to expand the reach and range of services on offer, meet demand and reduce running costs. It will be used to cover small-scale capital improvements such as providing new laptops to youth groups, small redevelopments of buildings and facilities, and improving transport, such as providing a new minibus for a youth club so they can keep young people safe and extend activities beyond their local area.

In Swindon the following organisations are set to benefit:

Youth development charity Inner Flame are set to receive £9,235 towards its work supporting and improving the self-worth, life skills & employability for children & young people who are not in employment, education or training.

1st Stratton St Margaret Scout Group will receive £29,820, which will be used for IT equipment, replacement windows, security system and an outside target range.

Prime Youth Theatre have been awarded £50,00 to purchase and kit-out of an Arts Award van. It will be used to raise aspirations and self-confidence, as well as to help develop communications and life skills, for children and young people living with disabilities.

The application process for the remaining £368 million tranche of the Youth Investment Fund is expected to begin in summer 2022. Youth services across 45 local authorities and over 600 district wards in the most deprived parts of England will be eligible to apply.

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