Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Included in Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed news that Swindon is one of 100 towns that will be benefiting from the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund.

Swindon is set to receive up to £25 million of funding via the Towns Fund, which is intended for towns with proud industrial and economic heritage that have previously felt left behind or overlooked by central government.

Communities, businesses and local leaders will work with the Government to draw up proposals to transform their town’s economic growth prospects, with a focus on improved transport, infrastructure, technology, skills and culture. The Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick MP, has stressed that local communities will play an important part in deciding how this funding should benefit their towns. 

The Government will shortly publish the Towns Fund prospectus, which will outline how the fund will operate and what the next steps will be.

Swindon North MP, Justin Tomlinson, says, “This is fantastic news for Swindon and shows the Government is committed to ensuring that prosperity and opportunities are available throughout the country, not just in our largest cities.”

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