Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Link Weekly Article - 5th January

2014 was a monumental year for our country. Nationally it was one that went to the heart of what it means to be British, as we honoured the centenary of the First World War and remembered those fallen soldiers who fought so bravely for our liberties. We also saw the Scottish referendum which divided opinion and caused heated debates. Thankfully, at the end of the year, our kingdom remained a united one.

Locally it was an extremely positive year for Swindon. Unemployment fell by a dramatic 56.8% and youth unemployment fell by a staggering 55.7%. This means that there are 7,400 more people in Swindon who are in work than there were in 2010. Income tax has also been cut for 86,074 people across Swindon, delivering an annual saving for hardworking local residents.

Thankfully we are now starting to see some real town centre regeneration as well. Under the last Government, Swindon’s town centre regeneration was halted. Now, with economic growth in our town, the £16.5 million Regent Circus project is due for completion in 2015. This comes after the Outlet Village revealed its latest £35 million expansion just before Christmas, and after the Council announced plans to invest £350 million into the Kimmerfields development which will see a new bus station, a hotel and new restaurants.

I was also pleased to see a good year in Parliament too. I was proud to be made a Parliamentary Private Secretary to Ed Vaizey, the Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, which has given me an active involvement over issues such as libraries, the internet, media and creative industries. 2014 also saw financial education being taught for the first time in schools across the UK, after the campaign which I led secured the subject into the National Curriculum.

Minds also turn to the 2015 General Election. Ironically in the same year that we will celebrate 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta, the flagship for modern day democracy, voters in the UK will go to the poll on Thursday 7th of May. For me personally, I will be working tirelessly over the next few months to demonstrate my loyalty and endless enthusiasm when it comes to representing the people of North Swindon. It has been an honour over the past five years to be the MP for my fellow local residents, and certainly one that I hope to continue.

For now however, I would like to wish the readers of Swindon Link a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

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