Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MP Attends Swindon & Wiltshire’s Girl Guides Annual Awards Ceremony

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was delighted to attend the annual awards ceremony for Swindon & Wiltshire’s Girl Guides last Saturday.
Locally the Girl Guides (which includes the Brownies & the Rainbows) provide fantastic opportunities and life experiences. From trips to India to weekly meetings where the girls are able to earn badges – the Guides provide a warm environment for youngsters to enjoy unforgettable childhood experiences.
The event celebrated the year just gone for the Wiltshire North Guides, including highlights such as the STEM activity day, working with the RAF on the Ariel Delivery & Helipad challenges, and going on safari at Chilton Farm. The highlights also included the Guides taking part in UK Parliament week, which involved visits to Justin’s community office and learning about how laws are passed in Parliament.
Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am a huge supporter of the Girl Guides. As someone who regularly advocates the need for enjoyable & constructive opportunities for youngsters outside of school, the Girl Guides is providing this and I have met so many Guides who say that the weekly get-togethers and activities are so important to them. I also took the opportunity to say a huge thank you to the fantastic volunteers who make the Girl Guides possible. Without their weekly dedication, these youngsters would not be enjoying so many of the experiences that they get to take part in.”

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