Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs Join Forces To Support Swindon Carers Centre

Local MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland have joined the Swindon Carers Centre for their annual carers walk

The ‘Walk a Mile in my Shoes’ event takes place every year in Swindon Town Centre to help raise money and awareness for carers in Swindon. Starting at Theatre Square the MPs joined carers, the people they care for and staff from the Carers Centre to walk through the town. At the end there was a cake sale, raffle and teas & coffee for those who had taken part.

Justin Tomlinson MP: “This is always an annual commitment in my diary and both Robert & I really appreciate the opportunity to show our gratitude to local carers and to catch up with all of the team at the Carers Centre. A big thank you to all of the members of public who saw us on the walk and decided to donate some money along the way. Every little helps and this is a fantastic local charity which I am delighted to support.”

For more information about the Swindon Carers Centre, please visit: https://www.swindoncarers.org.uk/

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