Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs Join Swindon Resident To Challenge Cyber Bullying

Swindon MPs, Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland, have joined forces with Swindon resident, Carney Bonner, to support his campaign to end cyber bullying.

Working with the charity, Fixers, Carney has secured National Lottery funding to run workshops to highlight the problem of cyber bullying. With the explosion in the use of social media, cyber bullying has become a prevalent problem and Carney's free workshops allow him to visit schools with the aim of educating young people about online safety and what to do in the event of cyber bullying.

Carney is a former Member of the Youth Parliament representing Swindon and has visited schools across his home town with Justin and Robert to promotes awareness of his campaign and to deliver workshops.

Justin and Robert met with Carney in Parliament to see what more can be done to support his excellent work and that of fixers and pledged to work closely with him to take his message to a wider audience.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Carney's work is inspiring and I'm delighted to see how his work has progressed since we first visited schools in North Swindon. Cyber bullying is a disgraceful act, made all the more easy by an individuals ability to hide behind a computer screen. I hope to be able to support Carney's ongoing work and encourage schools across Swindon and beyond to take up this excellent free resource".

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