Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs & Leader Of The Council Join Forces To Meet Local Businesses

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland visited the latest Business West Initiative in Swindon, which was an open forum held at Honda in South Marston.

Business representatives listened to the latest business and economic news from both MPs and Cllr David Renard, Leader of Swindon Borough Council. They gave an update on key issues in Swindon including the Swindon and Wiltshire LEP and the new University Technical College.

Questions regarding growth and economic development were put by members of the local business community to Justin and Robert, who both explained that economic confidence was high and jobs were being created in Swindon. Members gave updates themselves before initiatives including employment & skills, international trade, key events and Swindon's branding were also discussed.

Justin gave local business representatives an update on the economic recovery and how this was helping to create jobs in Swindon.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "There have been 5,365 business start ups since 2010, all helping to contribute to the 47.3% fall in unemployment and the 45% fall in youth unemployment. Confidence in the economy is strong which is creating a thirst for businesses to grow and expand. Here in Swindon, we have a pro-business Council which is proactive in engaging with the business community and is sending out the message that Swindon is open for business."

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