Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs Meet National Learning Disability Forum

Swindon MPs, Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland, have met with local representatives of the National Learning Disability Forum to discuss the Government's work in this area.

The National Forum has a regional forum in each of these areas. Each area elects 2 people to go onto the National Forum and represent people with learning disabilities in their area.

The job of each regional forum member is:

  • To Support the National Forum to do its job.
  • To bring issues about services in your area to the National Forum.
  • To listen to what people are saying in each region and see how the forum could help.
  • To tell others what is happening at the National Forum.

Each region has a slot on the National Forum to report back what is happening. The Forum's work is very important. It works closely with Government at a high level and is listened to very carefully by Ministers.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "This was a fantastic opportunity to meet with regional representatives from the National Learning Disability Forum. Both Robert and I have a very keen interest in learning disabilities, and in my role as the Minister for Disabled People, I am working to improve the support (including for employment) we make available to people with learning disabilities."

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