Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs Welcome Large Fall In Unemployment

Swindon MPs, Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland, have welcomed the news that unemployment and youth unemployment across Swindon has fallen dramatically since the General Election.

New data released by the Office for National Statistics shows that unemployment across the two constituencies which cover Swindon is down by 33.4% since May 2010, whilst youth unemployment has fallen by around 36.1%. As a result, almost 1,400 people in Swindon have found employment and the security that comes with a regular pay cheque. Month-on-month data and annual statistics continue to show a consistent fall in the level of unemployment across the town. 

Nationally, there have been large falls in unemployment, youth unemployment and the number of people out of work for more than twelve months. In addition more than 1.8 million people have found work since May 2010. As a result of the Governments reforms and the efforts of businesses, around 15,000 people a week are finding work, with 90% of vacancies filled in the last three months being full-time. 

Key achievements under this Government 

  • Unemployment down by 132,000 on the quarter & 437,000 on the year; the biggest annual fall in 25 years
  • Long-term unemployment down by 171,000 on the year; the largest fall since 1998 
  • Youth unemployment down by 206,000 on the year – biggest fall since records began
  • Employment  167,000 on the quarter & 820,000 on the year. Number of people in work up 1.8 million since the election 
  • On average over 15,000 more people are in work each week
  • Female employment up 754,000 since 2010
  • 90% of new jobs this quarter were FULL-TIME – 84% of new jobs over the year were full time
  • Nearly 1.33 million more people working full time since 2010
  • 91% of people in work in Q2 2014 are UK nationals
  • Job vacancies up 193,000 since the election

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "In North Swindon, unemployment is down by a staggering 46.9% since May 2010, while youth unemployment is down by nearly 45%. These statistics show that our town is benefitting from the economic recovery and it is thanks to the hard-work of local employers and employees. We cannot be complacent and the Government will continue to do all it can to ensure that we offer support to anyone who is looking for work". 

Robert Buckland MP said: "This latest set of statistics from the ONS show that we are on the right track and that our local economy is benefitting from the increase in the number of people in work. There is of course more to do, but I am delighted that unemployment across Swindon is consistently falling and residents across our town are enjoying the security that comes with a regular pay cheque".

Employment Minister, Esther McVey MP said: "An important milestone has been reached in our country's recovery. With an employment rate which has never been higher, record women in work and more young people in jobs, the resilience of the country during the downturn is being rewarded. We know there is more to do, and the best way to do so is to go on delivering a plan that's creating growth and jobs"

Below are a series of graphs showing the falls in unemployment and youth unemployment across Swindon since May 2010 (Source: Office of National Statistics)






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