Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon MPs welcome news that vulnerable residents in Swindon will benefit from £3million in support funding this week thanks to the Conservative Government

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson and South Swindon MP Robert Buckland have welcomed the news that the Conservative Government’s extended Household Support Fund Allocations for local authorities is now available.

Swindon Borough Council will receive £3,030,691 in this latest round of funding to help families that need support with the cost of essentials in the face of rising costs.

This funding takes the total level of support provided to Swindon residents to £7,576,728, demonstrating the Conservative Government’s unwavering commitment to support the most vulnerable in times of financial hardship.

The Household Support Fund is a discretionary fund provided to local authorities enabling them to provide support to vulnerable families struggling to cover essential costs who may not be eligible for other Government support schemes.

The Conservative Government is also delivering further support on top of the £1 billion of funding for the Household Support Fund including means-tested £900 Cost of Living Payments, a £150 payment for disabled people, and £300 for pensioner households. The Conservative Government’s Energy Price Guarantee is also protecting people from rising energy costs this year and will remain in place until the end of March 2024.

Commenting, Justin Tomlinson MP and Robert Buckland MP said:

“Many families in Swindon are struggling with rising prices caused by global economic pressures including Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine.

“That is why I welcome the £3 million funding for Swindon Borough Council from this week to help vulnerable residents through the Household Support Fund, building on our record of helping those most in need through challenging times.

“The Household Support Fund is a vital scheme helping families that are unable to pay for essentials, extending the fund will help many more families in need this year.”

Commenting, Mims Davies, Minister for Social Mobility, Youth and Progression said:

“The Household Support Fund has been a lifeline for many people who are struggling with rising living costs.

“From 1 April 2023, these additional funds are being made available to local authorities as we extend the Household Support Fund for another year, helping those most in need with the cost of essentials.”

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