Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Thamesdown Drive Drop-In Event – Friday 17 November

Justin Tomlinson MP will host a drop-in event for local residents on the issue of safety on Thamesdown Drive.

The event follows last year’s public meeting and the subsequent announcements of a safety partnership between the police & Swindon Borough Council, and of CCTV to be installed at junctions.

A number of residents feel that there is still more to do to increase safety, so this is an opportunity for local residents to come along and speak directly to the Police, Highways Officers at SBC, local Borough Councillors and the leader of SBC, Councillor David Renard.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “After the meeting last year, some residents felt that due to the high number of people that attended, not everybody was able to get their point across to the people who are making the decisions. That’s why this event will take the format of a drop-in which will hopefully give everybody who comes along the chance to share their views, challenge and also hear from those in charge.”

The event is on Friday 17 November, from 5.30pm until 7pm, at Justin Tomlinson MP’s Office: First Floor, Customer Service Hub, Orbital Shopping Park.

As well as the issue of Thamesdown Drive, the Highways team will also have with them their plans to tackle the problem with parking on Redhouse Way. Residents are welcome to come along to see these plans and comment on those as well.

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