Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Asking For The Foreign Office To Redouble Efforts For Kevin Taylor In The Philippines

Justin Tomlinson MP has highlighted his concerns about the safety of a North Swindon resident currently in the Philippines during questions to Ministers from the Foreign Office.

Mr Taylor, originally from Stratton, was arrested in 2009 for running an alleged employment scam and was held in custody for five years without trial or any prospect of release.

In 2014 he was found guilty of an employment offence and handed a jail sentence totalling 12 years, along with his partner Charlene.

Mr Taylor, whose health has deteriorated, maintains his innocence and his family has campaigned for his release.

Mr Tomlinson, who has supported the family’s cause for several years, raised the issue during a Foreign and Commonwealth Office debate.

“The Filipino authorities continually delayed his case, held him in unsafe conditions and, finally, sentenced him to 12 years for an employment offence,” he said.

“They have now failed even to acknowledge a clemency request, despite his very poor health.

“With his health failing further and amid concerns about the safety of the institution, and with his parents worried that they will not see him again, will my right honourable friend set out what is being done to support the family’s efforts to bring him home?”

Mark Field, the Minister for Asia and the Pacific, said: “I thank my honourable friend for all his assiduous workover many years on behalf of Mr Taylor’s parents, his constituents in North Swindon.

“We have been providing ongoing consular and welfare support to Kevin Taylor since his arrest almost 10 years ago.

“Most recently, he was visited in prison, and we liaised with his parents only yesterday. Our consular support has also extended to delivering funds and vitamins.

“Most recently, we requested additional medical appointments after Mr Taylor brought his health concerns to our attention.

“A clemency request was made as recently as 2015, but I reassure my honourable friend that we will do our level best to continue that work.

“I will be in touch with our department in Manila to ask it to redouble those efforts in the days ahead.”

Mr Tomlinson also asked Mr Field what steps he was taking to strengthen Britain’s diplomatic relations with the Philippines.


Mr Field said: “We have a strong and wide-ranging relationship with the Philippines on prosperity, education and security issues.

“Ministerial visits to the Philippines and annual high-level talks between officials help to progress that co-operation – my honourable friend the Member for Reading West (Alok Sharma), the former Minister for Asia and the Pacific, was there as recently as last December – which enables us to discuss human rights concerns while pursuing closer diplomatic and trade links.”

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