Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Asks What More The Government Is Doing To Encourage Investment In UK Car Plants

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has asked the Government what more it is doing to encourage investment in UK car plants.

The question was asked during questions to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clark.

During his answer, the Secretary of State welcomed the role that Honda and BMW, who have factories in Swindon, have had in the Government’s Automotive Deal.

The deal ensures that the UK continues to reap the benefits from the transition to ultra-low and zero-emission vehicles, by building the agile, innovative and cost competitive supply chain needed to secure international investment.

Text of Justin’s question, and the Minister’s reply.

Justin Tomlinson: What more is the department doing to encourage further investment in UK car plants, in particular in my constituency with Honda and BMW.

Greg Clark (Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy): Both Honda and BMW have been part of the sectoral council that has helped together create institutions, which have trained people, which have developed research and development; they are a very valued part of the deal that has been so warmly welcomed by the industry

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