Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For Emergency Lifesaving Skills To Be Taught In Schools

North Swindon MP has spoken passionately about his campaign to add the teaching of emergency lifesaving skills to the National Curriculum.

Justin's comments, which came during a Westminster Hall debate in Parliament, are the latest in a series of speeches he has delivered highlighting the urgent need to add a one hour emergency first aid & CPR lesson to the core subjects children are taught in school.

The North Swindon MP highlighted his own personal experience of finding his father, who had had a cardiac arrest, and the steps he took in an attempt to save his life. He also highlighted the case of Matt Fiddes, a father who performed CPR to save the life of his two year old son.

There are 30,000 cardiac arrests a year outside of a hospital, for which the survival chances are 12%, which is one of the lowest rates in the world. 

For every minute that passes in which somebody is not given help, their chances of survival fall by a staggering 10%. 10,000 cardiac arrests are witnessed by members of the public, but those witnesses do not have the confidence to do anything for fear they will make it worse

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