Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls On Ministers To Provide Greater Clarity To Manufacturers On Development Of Hybrid Cars

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has called on Ministers to provide greater clarity on plans to use hybrid engine technology to reduce dangerous emissions. 

Justin's comments, which came during a Parliamentary debate on improving air quality, followed meetings with two of Swindon's biggest manufacturers: Honda & BMW. Both companies are leading the way on cleaning up emissions by producing hybrid and zero & ultra-low emission vehicles.

Last year, the Government published its plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations. The plan allocated over £3 billion to help to reduce harmful NOx emissions, including £475 million to local authorities to enable them to develop their own air quality plans.

Since then Ministers have been working with local authorities to help them to deliver specific solutions. They have also issued ministerial directions to 61 local authorities to ensure that they live up to their shared responsibilities.

The plan committed also us to phasing out the sale of conventional diesel and petrol cars by 2040 and taking them off the road altogether by 2050. This is more ambitious than any European Union requirement and puts Britain in the lead among major developed economies. Alongside that commitment we are dedicating £1.5 billion to the development of zero and ultra-low emission vehicles, including support for new charging points across the country.

However Justin has asked that greater clarity is provided to companies like BMW & Honda so that they know exactly which technologies will count towards reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has confirmed that Ministers will bring forward new information on this shortly. 

Justin Tomlinson: Yesterday I met representatives of Honda and BMW, both of which are determined to make a difference in this important area. Will the Secretary of State urge his colleagues to provide more clarity on the use of hybrid engines and technology as a way to help to reduce emissions year on year

Michael Gove: My hon. Friend makes an important point. The existing motor companies will play a critical role in ensuring that we can move towards a more sustainable and cleaner method of providing personal transport. He is absolutely right that hybrids will have a role to play. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Transport will be saying more about that in due course, but I am very grateful to my hon. Friend and other Members who represent manufacturing and industrial sectors for the constructive way in which they have helped to bring people together.

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