Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Criticises Labour For Blocking Anti Tax Avoidance Measures In Paradise Papers Debate

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has criticised Labour for blocking anti-tax avoidance & evasion measures during a debate in Parliament on the Paradise Papers.

Prior to the election Parliament was considering the Finance Bill, which implements the Budget. As part of this, the Government proposed three measures which would have raised more than £8 billion, by closing loopholes used by people who avoid & evade tax. The measures were proposed close to the election, and putting business on the floor of the House requires cross-party support, which Labour refused to support.

Labour opposed putting those measures into the Bill and so they could not be brought into law.

Text of Justin's Intervention

The Shadow Minister is being generous with his time. We all agree that this matter should be a priority, and the shadow Minister is focusing on our record, but why did the Labour party block the three measures that we brought forward in the wash-up that would have been worth £8.6 billion—vital for all the public services that he listed earlier? It is a joint priority, and we need both sides to work on this.



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