Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Nationwide For Work To Support People With Cancer

North Swindon MP and former Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has praised the work of Swindon-based Nationwide for their work to provide financial support for people with disabilities and long-term health condiditions, including cancer.

Justin's comments came during the Second Reading of the Financial Guidance & Small Claims, a Government Bill which will improve access to support for people in need of debt advice, improve financial education, and provide breathing space to people in debt.

Throughout his time an MP, and during the period in which he was Minister for Disabled People, Justin worked closely with Macmillan and a number of financial providers including Nationwide to improve support for disabled people and those living with a long term health condition like cancer. 

In July, Justin also supported the parliamentary launch of the campaign to improve support alongside his South Swindon colleague Robert Buckland (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/3877-swindon-mps-back-call-for-banks-to-help-people-with-cancer).

Text of Justin's question

Justin Tomlinson (North Swindon) (Con): On that point, will the hon. Lady join me in congratulating Nationwide Building Society, which has led the way by working with Macmillan to ensure that appropriate support is made available as soon as there is a diagnosis?

Debbie Abrahams: I congratulate Nationwide and all organisations that recognise that they have a duty of care to their customers.

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