Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Swindon Academy's Successful Grammar Stream Programme

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, and Minister for School Standards Nick Gibb MP, have praised Swindon Academy's highly successful grammar stream programme in the House of Commons.

The initiative is an Academic Stream which will educate the most academically able students across Swindon. The Academy has partnered with top independent school Marlborough College to provide places for students to enjoy a highly academic based in, and part of, Swindon Academy. The aim of the scheme is to: 

  • Be a joint working partnership between Swindon Academy and Marlborough College, hosted at Swindon Academy;
  • Provide places for up to 30 highly able year 7 pupils each year and continue throughout their secondary schooling;
  • Be open to children from across Swindon via the annual Swindon Schools Admissions process and an additional aptitude test held at the end of March/beginning of April each year;
  • Provide a highly academic and rigorous curriculum to stretch and challenge the most academically able children in Swindon;
  • Be free of charge;
  • Be aimed at pupils who consistently achieve at Level 5 or higher in Primary School and who are hardworking and committed to the additional homework and prep need to achieve outstanding academic results.
  • Be flexible, allowing students to move into and out of the programme as it suits their education

The scheme has proven so successful, that Swindon Academy & Marlborough College have now doubled the number of places available to pupils from Swindon.

The Schools Minister, who visited Swindon Academy earlier this year to see the scheme and meet its Principal Ruth Robinson, highlighted the vital work the school is doing to ensure that every pupil, regardless of background, has the opportunity to reach their potential.

Text of Justin's question, and the Minister's reply

Justin TomlinsonWill the Minister for School Standards join me in congratulating Swindon Academy, in conjunction with Marlborough College, on doubling its intake this year, with children from all backgrounds now having a real chance of accessing the very top universities?

Nick Gibb (Schools Minister)I would be delighted to join my hon. Friend in congratulating Swindon Academy. I enjoyed visiting the school with him and meeting Ruth Robinson, its exceptional principal. The school runs special programmes to help the most able children to fulfil their potential, as well as providing very high standards of education across the board.

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