Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Supports Voter ID Pilot In Swindon To Strengthen Electoral Security

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has questioned Labour's refusal to support new plans to strengthen the protections in place at elections.

Following Sir Eric Pickles' review 'Securing The Ballot'  Ministers have announced plans to trial Voter ID across the country. This is designed to further counter electoral fraud and ensure the integrity of all elections.

Currently a person merely has to provide a name and address at a polling station to get a ballot paper; a system which requires a person to do less to prove who they are than if they were collecting a parcel.

Swindon's award-winning elections team will be piloting one such scheme at this year's local elections; where those coming to vote will be asked to produce either their poll card or photo ID before they can vote.

Justin Tomlinson (North Swindon) (Con): The award-winning elections team in Swindon will deliver one of those pilots. Does the Minister agree that it is staggering that Labour opposes a change that is no different from collecting a parcel from the post office?

Minister for the Constitution, Chloe Smith: That is absolutely right. Anybody who might oppose these measures should think very, very carefully. We already ask that people prove who they are when they go to collect a parcel, rent a home, buy a home, rent a car, or travel; it is normal to use ID in everyday life.

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