Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Vote Conservative For A Strong Economy

A strong economy is the basis for everything we want to achieve as a nation. If we are to have the prosperity, security and quality of life that Britain desires, we need to have an economy that is vibrant and robust.

But our economy also needs to be equitable. For in Britain today, there is a division between those people and places that have benefited from a changed global market, where opportunity is displayed in affluence and a good quality of life; and those people and places that have experienced a struggling economy, where opportunity has receded and people worry about their children’s futures.

This is not right. So we will forge an economy that works for everyone in every part of this country. We will found our plans on the principles of sound public finances, low taxes, free trade and effective regulation. We will set rules for businesses that inspire the confidence of workers and investors alike. That is only the foundation, however. With our modern industrial strategy, we will build an economy that invests for the long term and supports growth across the whole country – not just in those places that have done well in the past few decades but also where prosperity has waned. Governments cannot use public money to prop up failing businesses, but they also cannot allow people and their communities to be cast aside. It is our duty to bring opportunity to every part of our nation and to ensure that we all prosper together.

We will deliver:

  • A strong economy built on sound public finances, low taxes, better regulation and free trade deals with markets around the world.
  • A new deal for ordinary, working people giving them a decent living wage and new rights and protections in the workplace.
  • Fairer corporate governance, built on new rules for takeovers, executive pay and worker representation on company boards.
  • Growth across the country through our modern industrial strategy and major investment in infrastructure, skills and research and development.
  • Competitive and affordable energy costs following a new independent review into the cost of energy.
  • Prosperous towns and cities, underpinned by strong local institutions, the relocation of government functions, and shared cultural assets across the country.

In Summary:

  • Continue to restore our public finances and balance the budget by 2025
  • Deliver major investment in infrastructure, skills and research and development
  • Ensure growth across the country through our modern industrial strategy

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