Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Wildlife & Nature Photo Competiton

I know for many of us lockdown has provided us with an even greater appreciation of the outdoors, so as we look ahead to Spring, my office will be running a local competition to find some of the best outdoor/nature/wildlife photos taken by local residents.

It can be photos taken from your windows, in the garden or your local park. It can be a photo of a view, a photo of the first shoots of Spring or a photo of your dog enjoying their walk! The choice is up to you, just remember to keep it local.

Whether you prefer a smartphone, tablet or digital camera, we are looking forward to seeing your entries. Entries can be submitted by emailing a JPEG file to justin.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk.

In partnership with Print Clever in Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, the winner of the competition will have their entry printed and presented to them on their own canvass. The winning photograph will also be proudly displayed in my offices in both Swindon and the Houses of Parliament.

We will be sharing some of the entries of my Facebook page and my MP website.

So if you feel inspired on your local walk, or want to get the kids in the garden, then please get involved - all entries are welcome.

Here is my first attempt - a frosty morning in North Swindon... I'm sure you can all do much better!

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