Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local Vet Shows Support For Justin

Local Vet Shows Support For Justin

(Craig Waldron – Local Vet) "In Parliament Justin has been a very active campaigner on the issues that matter most to people here in Swindon. Together he and I have discussed animal welfare causes for which he has then proactively taken forward in Westminster, something that I and others in my profession have very much appreciated. His campaigns have included banning puppy farming, ending the cruel practise of animals in circuses and putting a stop to the illegal ivory trade.”

Chair Of Swindon MS Therapy Centre Backs Justin's Re-Election

Chair Of Swindon MS Therapy Centre Backs Justin's Re-Election

(Tim Culling - MS Therapy Centre) “Justin is a tireless champion of Swindon’s charities and has worked hard to use his position as MP to support them as much as possible. He is a regular visitor to the Swindon MS Therapy Centre and is a real champion for local good causes.”

Justin Asks Fellow Local Residents To Lend Him Their Support For Re-Election On 8th June

Justin Asks Fellow Local Residents To Lend Him Their Support For Re-Election On 8th June

Dear fellow resident,The Prime Minister, Theresa May, has announced a General Election and I wanted to write to ask you to re-elect me as your local MP for North Swindon on Thursday 8th June.Locally, I have been working hard for Swindon since 2010 and I have been a:  Highly visible and approachable fellow local resident Representative who always puts residents first – voted the 3rd most helpful MP Hardworking with one of the highest voting and speaking records in Parliament Supporter of local c...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 21st April

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 21st April

The UK will be heading to the polls yet again on the 8th June in the third national poll in just over two years. Whilst many will groan (not unreasonably) at the prospect of yet another election campaign; we need to head to the polls in order to ensure we have strong leadership, certainty and stability.A decisive election outcome will strengthen the Prime Minister’s negotiating hand in Europe, settle current divisions in Westminster and provide a good majority that can deliver a clear programme ...

Justin Welcomes 1st Swindon Rangers To Parliament

Justin Welcomes 1st Swindon Rangers To Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed members of the 1st Haydon Wick Rangers to Parliament. The group of Guides, based in Haydon Wick, arranged the visit as part of their work on empowering young women. Girlguiding is one of the largest organised group activities anywhere in the world. With HM The Queen as its Patron, Girlguiding UK, sets its mission as empowering girls to be their best and become confident women.Following a tour of the Palace of Westminster, the young women sat down with Justin to p...

Justin Backs Theresa May's Early General Election Announcement

Justin Backs Theresa May's Early General Election Announcement

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the Prime Minister's announcement that she will call a general election to be held on 8th June.Justin has represented North Swindon for the past 17 years; firstly for 10 years as a councillor in the Abbey Meads ward before being elected as North Swindon's Conservative Member of Parliament in 2010. Theresa May has rightly said that the country has a one-off chance to hold an election while the European Union agrees its negotiating position and before the detailed ...

North Swindon MP Hosts Charity Coffee Morning For Nationwide Marathon Man & St. John Ambulance

North Swindon MP Hosts Charity Coffee Morning For Nationwide Marathon Man & St. John Ambulance

Justin Tomlinson MP has hosted a special fundraiser for Nick Bohane, just a week before the Nationwide employee is set to run the London Marathon.The coffee morning raised over £300 for St. John Ambulance and forms a part of Nick’s efforts to raise over £1,800 for the charity which provides vital first aid and medical assistance. Nick choose St John Ambulance as he has seen first-hand the work they do as his wife Amber is a first aider for the charity.Nick is now a marathon regular, after succes...

Justin Hosts Film Masterclass For Swindon Young Carers

Justin Hosts Film Masterclass For Swindon Young Carers

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcome seven young carers from across Swindon to his community office at the Orbital Shopping Park two enjoy a three-day masterclass with a local filmmaker. Across the country, tens of thousands of young people act as carers for family and friends who are disabled or have a long-term health condition. Many of the young carers are supported by the Swindon Carers Centre, who provide guidance and advice. The organisation arranged the three day experience in p...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 14th April

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 14th April

One of the most repugnant acts for which I have absolutely zero tolerance for is littering. It blights the appearance of our town and roadsides and spoils our enjoyment of the wider countryside too. This is why I have worked with the Keep Britain Tidy campaign in Parliament and why this week I welcomed the first ever Litter Strategy for England; designed to reduce discarded rubbish, increase awareness of the effect litter has on the environment and create innovative ways of keeping communities c...

Swindon MPs Welcome Minister To See Success Of Jobcentre Plus

Swindon MPs Welcome Minister To See Success Of Jobcentre Plus

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland have joined the Minister for Welfare Delivery, Caroline Nokes to see how the roll-out of Universal Credit is helping local residents.Universal Credit simplifies the benefits system by rolling six previously complicated benefits (including housing benefit, jobseekers allowance and tax credits) into one simple monthly payment. The idea is that by simplifying the system, all of the guidance and support from Job Centre staff will go towards getting ...