Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon MPs Join Forces With Local Businesses To Present £50,000 Cheque To Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Campaign

Swindon MPs Join Forces With Local Businesses To Present £50,000 Cheque To Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP has helped present cheques totalling £50,000 to the Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Appeal.The money was raised by the National Federation of Demolition Contractors and local business Lawson Group. The Brighter Futures appeal aims to raise money towards a Radiotherapy Unit at the Great Western Hospital. The Radiotherapy Unit was given the green light earlier this year after a sustained campaign by local MPs, Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland, and the former Clinical Chair ...

Justin Welcomes More Positive News On Employment

Justin Welcomes More Positive News On Employment

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that employment across the UK continues to run at a record high, the unemployment rate has fallen to an 11-year low, and that according to today’s figures there are 214,000 more people back in work in the South West since 2010. Across Swindon, the number of people claiming the key out of work benefits has fallen by almost 3,000 - a 62% drop – since May 2010.As the former Minister for Disabled People, Justin is particularly delighted that more than 590,00...

Justin & Russell Highlight Swindon's Excellent Work On Reducing Enforcement Referrals

Justin & Russell Highlight Swindon's Excellent Work On Reducing Enforcement Referrals

Justin Tomlinson MP and Cllr. Russell Holland have highlighted the excellent work Swindon Borough Council has undertaken to reduce the number of cases referred to enforcement officers at an event in Parliament. Cllr. Holland, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Deputy Leader of Swindon Borough Council, has been working tirelessly alongside officers and Justin to ensure that the Council has the powers it needs to reduce the number of cases of unpaid Council Tax. Since becoming the Cabinet Member f...

Justin Backs Bill To Increase Access To Life Saving Defibrillators

Justin Backs Bill To Increase Access To Life Saving Defibrillators

Justin Tomlinson MP is backing a Bill that would ensure that people usings schools, leisure centres and other public buildings would be able to immediately access the life-saving provision on a defibrillator.As it stands, twelve young people die from cardiac arrest every week in the UK. This a figure that has been ignored for far too long and a greater provision of ready-to-use lifesaving defibrillators would greatly reduce this figure and save lives up and down the country. The Oliver King Foun...

Huge News For Speedway Fans As Work Starts On New Abbey Stadium

Huge News For Speedway Fans As Work Starts On New Abbey Stadium

Justin Tomlinson MP has joined Cllr. Toby Elliott and Clarke Osborne for Gaming International to break ground as work begins on the new Abbey Stadium – home of the Swindon Robins speedway side.The existing facility will continue to function whilst building work is underway, with temporary parking and entrance facilities provided for Greyhound Racing and Blunsdon Market operations, including a Park and Ride facility.Work is set to be complete its first phase (when the new stadium is fully functio...

Sir Daniel Gooch Bust Makes Its Way To Orbital Office

Sir Daniel Gooch Bust Makes Its Way To Orbital Office

Back in August 2016, New College student Fatima Alves designed a contemporary style 3D design bust of Sir Daniel Gooch in commemoration to what would have been his 200th birthday, and North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson had the honour of unveiling him.Sir Daniel Gooch is considered the “father of Swindon’s railway” for it is Gooch who transformed Swindon from a small hilltop town into a thriving place where people could move to work and make a living for themselves. He did this by convincing Isamb...

North Swindon MP Signs Pledge For The Environment

North Swindon MP Signs Pledge For The Environment

Justin Tomlinson MP has signed the ‘Pledge for the Environment’ supported by the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, the Woodland Trust, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and other organisations. Meeting with Gary Mantle from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Justin discussed the measures to assist a thriving natural world, clean air and water along with communities connected to nature, and a sustainable economy. The ‘Pledge’ calls that following the EU Referendum, the Government will: Establish the UK as a w...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 11th November

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 11th November

I am writing my article early this week as Donald J Trump has just been elected President of the United States.The polls and the world media said that it wouldn’t happen. Hilary Clinton raised and spent more money, had the backing of Obama and carried out a full get out the vote operation. Yet Trump pulled in the 279 Electoral College votes that landed him in the White House.One of the largest democracies in the world has spoken and already we are seeing the losing side take it very badly. Now I...

Justin Helps Launch Digital Schoolhouse Programme In Swindon

Justin Helps Launch Digital Schoolhouse Programme In Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited New College to launch the Digital Schoolhouse Programme, the first in Wiltshire and the first Further Education College in the country to have one.The programme has gained national and international recognition for its pioneering initiatives in the teaching of ICT and Computer Science to school pupils. The programme is led and delivered by games and interactive entertainment trade body UK Interactive Entertainment, with Playstation as its lead partner. Each DSH is...