Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Safety On Thamesdown Drive: Public Meeting

Safety On Thamesdown Drive: Public Meeting

Justin Tomlinson MP is hosting a public meeting for local residents on Friday 22 July at 6.30pm to discuss the issue of speeding and dangerous driving on Thamesdown Drive. The meeting will take place at the MPs office; First Floor, Customer Service Hub, Orbital Shopping Park, SN25 4AN (located behind Asda, adjacent to Connell’s estate agents).Justin has invited Wiltshire’s Police & Crime Commissioner who will be joined by other senior officers as well as representatives from Swindon Borough ...

Justin Joins The Celebrations At Leonard Cheshire Disability Centre

Justin Joins The Celebrations At Leonard Cheshire Disability Centre

A resident at a Cheltenham care home was thrilled when Minster for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson and MP for Cheltenham Alex Chalk visited the service, which also happened to be his birthday.Nick Taylor was delighted to meet the Minister and MP at Leonard Cheshire Disability’s Gloucestershire House service.The Minister and MP were given a tour of the care home with nursing, and met residents, including Nick, as they took part in an arts and crafts class and a sports session. The guests were al...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Superfast Fibre Broadband Expansion By BT

North Swindon MP Welcomes Superfast Fibre Broadband Expansion By BT

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that Openreach, BT’s local network business, is making high speed fibre broadband available to every home and business in Priory Vale, north Swindon – covering some 6500 premises, following a long-fought campaign on behalf of residents.The news follows the company’s recent trial of new ‘plug and play’ Fibre-to-the Premises (FTTP) technology in the area, which saw around 500 homes gain access to some of the fastest broadband speeds in the UK.The expansion...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 1st July

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 1st July

Where on earth do I start?!  A week is a long time in politics. At the moment it seems a few minutes is a long time.  Who could have predicted these events?Brexit (surprisingly?), PM resignation, markets down, markets up, Conservative Leadership contest, not quite a Labour leadership contest and it is only Thursday lunchtime!Now with only 440 words I can’t cover them all, but I can give an insight to the Conservative Leadership contest as we at least now this will happen.Our leader is selected b...

Justin Reflects On The EU Referendum Result

Justin Reflects On The EU Referendum Result

Whilst I wasn’t active in the campaign other than setting out my personal reasons for voting in both the Swindon Advertiser and Swindon Link, I made it clear before the count that I would respect the decision either way.Many residents have asked me to supply updates on what are the current thoughts and plans, so I thought it would be helpful to provide links to articles / statements from Boris Johnson, The Chancellor, The PM and a summary of how thankfully the markets have bounced back today sho...

Local MP Welcomes Major New Superfast Fibre Broadband Project From Virgin Media For North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes Major New Superfast Fibre Broadband Project From Virgin Media For North Swindon

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the news that Virgin Media has announced that it will expand its fibre optic network to 7,000 homes and businesses in Swindon as part of its £3bn Project Lightning programme. This investment extends Virgin Media’s existing network which passes 65,000 premises in the town giving more Swindon residents and business owners a much needed, and demanded, connectivity and entertainment boost with access to the fastest widely-available broadband speeds. The annou...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 24th June

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 24th June

I am writing this article having just been along to my local polling station the Tawny Owl, to vote in the EU Referendum. By the time that this appears in print, we will have an answer to whether Britain will continue as a member of the European Union. Whilst I and my South Swindon colleague Robert Buckland MP have set out our views (cancelling each other out!); now is the time that we accept the decision made by the public and get on with the job of ensuring that Britain continues to be a fanta...

Local MP Praises Primary School PE Specialists At Graduation

Local MP Praises Primary School PE Specialists At Graduation

Sports fan and MP Justin Tomlinson was on hand to hand out the certificates to Level 5 Primary School PE Specialists at the graduation ceremony at Haydonleigh Primary School which was held last Friday. Justin has campaigned for a number of years in Parliament to increase the amount of school sport so he was delighted to join PE teachers from across Swindon to celebrate the new intake of qualified teachers.Nationally, through the Primary PE and Sport Premium, the Government has provided over £450...

Justin Hails Successful EU Drop-In Event For Residents

Justin Hails Successful EU Drop-In Event For Residents

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has hosted an EU Referendum drop-in event at his new office on the Orbital Shopping Park, with many local residents attending to find out more information from both sides of the referendum campaign.Both sides each had a stall where they were given the chance to hand out literature and speak to representatives. The MP was on hand to chat to residents, provide information and to make the cups of tea! The main aim was to provide answers and encourage people to use their vo...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 17th June

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 17th June

For years I have campaigned for an EU Referendum. I have rebelled in Parliament, stood up to colleagues and demanded the chance for Britain to have its say. The campaign thus far has been thoroughly depressing.  Both sides seemingly making it up as they go along, resorting to increasingly spurious claims and scare tactics. Despite this I have made up my mind and for me there are 3 important points that underpin this. Firstly, the Economy. Britain has the 5th largest economy in the world and is t...