Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 27th May

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 27th May

One of this Government's most ambitious aims is to deliver parity of esteem when it comes to Mental Health. This is the principle that mental health must be given equal priority to physical health. In my Ministerial role I have been helping Government to achieve this aim as well as working with the major charities including MIND to raise awareness, remove the long-existing stigma associated with having a mental health condition and providing support. Nobody in this country should have to face a ...

North Swindon MP & Minister For Disabled People Supports Mental Health Awareness Week

North Swindon MP & Minister For Disabled People Supports Mental Health Awareness Week

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon and Minister for Disabled People, was at TWIGS (Therapeutic Work in Gardening in Swindon) last week to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. The charity, which is based at the Cheney Manor Garden Centre, had arranged a number of events for people to get involved with and enjoy.Organisations involved on the day included Swindon Mind, Rethink, SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide), Swindon Samaritans and the Olive Tree Café. Representatives from local busin...

Justin Delivers Signature Assembly At Redoaks Primary School As Students Pass Legislation

Justin Delivers Signature Assembly At Redoaks Primary School As Students Pass Legislation

Redoaks Primary School have officially passed their own School Sports Bill as part of one of Justin Tomlinson MPs schools assemblies.Justin has done his signature assembly at every Primary School in North Swindon. The aim is to recreate Parliament and as such, the whole room is divided into two sections – with half of the pupils acting as MPs in the House of Commons, and the second half acting as Lords & Baronesses in the House of Lords. Stickers were distributed to distinguish between the t...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th May

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th May

It was back to school last week as I revisited Nova Hreod Academy to see the fantastic transformation that is currently underway there. Having visited the school just over a year ago, I was back to see how headteacher Darren Barton was getting on with the ambitious aims that he set out when he first took over in 2014. The turnaround so far has been reflected in recent results. In 2014, 38% of pupils were achieving A*-C grades in their GCSEs. In 2015, that figured jumped to 68% of pupils. This is...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Queen's Speech That Delivers Opportunity For All

North Swindon MP Welcomes Queen's Speech That Delivers Opportunity For All

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the modern, reforming compassionate proposals set out by the Government in the Queen’s Speech.Every year, Her Majesty The Queen formally opens Parliament and announces the Government’s programme for the next twelve months. This programme includes the areas the Government will focus on, and the laws it will pass.At the heart of this Queen’s Speech are bold reforms that tackle some of the deepest social problems in o...

Justin's Thoughts On His First Twelve Months As The Minister For Disabled People

Justin's Thoughts On His First Twelve Months As The Minister For Disabled People

It’s been just over a year since I was appointed as the Minister for Disabled People and I’m thrilled with what we’ve managed to achieve in that relatively short space of time. All of the work we’ve been doing has had one overarching goal in mind: to change attitudes to disabled people in this country and build a more equitable society. It is clear that the only way to do this is to build a system in which disabled people are empowered to fulfil their potential. This is my priority, and we’ve ba...

Local MP Visits Nova Hreod School To See Its Success

Local MP Visits Nova Hreod School To See Its Success

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has revisited Nova Hreod Academy to meet with principle Darren Barton as well as members of the School Council.Nova Hreod Academy is part of United Learning – a group of academies and independent schools which aims to provide excellent education to children and young people across the Country.  United Learning’s ethos is to bring out the best in everyone – students, staff, parents and the wider community. Students are taught a number of core values including:  Ambition...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th May

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th May

After months of hard work, last week saw the Swindon Borough Council elections. Without the help and support of my team we would not have had such an enthusiastic campaign and I am incredibly grateful for the support of local residents, who again put their faith in our local team of Conservative Councillors.In North Swindon the Conservatives saw local Councillors re-elected with increasing majorities as well as new Councillors elected in their local communities. I want to take this opportunity t...

Justin Welcomes Strong Conservative Council Team For North Swindon Following Local Election Results

Justin Welcomes Strong Conservative Council Team For North Swindon Following Local Election Results

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the return of a strong team of Conservative councillors across North Swindon following last week's local elections.Conservatives councillors not only held every seat they were defending in North Swindon, they held them with increased majorities, while candidates received excellent support across other wards thanks to the positive campaign. From Stratton to St. Andrews; Lechlade to Liden, this team Conservative councillors will be a hardworking, effective ...

North Swindon MP Learns How Broadcasters Are Improving Access To Content For All

North Swindon MP Learns How Broadcasters Are Improving Access To Content For All

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has visited the studios of Sky to experience the work they are doing to improve accessibility to their content. Currently, around one in five people accessing of Sky's content utilise some form of descriptive technology; be it through subtitling or audio-description. As a result, the company is working to improve the facilities used by viewers with visual or hearing impairments. During the visit, Justin was able to meet with st...