Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Officially Opens Every Cloud Tea Room In Stanton

Justin Officially Opens Every Cloud Tea Room In Stanton

The sun was shining as local MP Justin Tomlinson opened the new ‘Every Cloud’ farmhouse tea-room in Stanton Park today.Every Cloud Arts & Crafts was launched in 2013 by local artists and craftspeople in order to explore wider recognition for their work, offer mutual support, share work shop space and collaborate on projects. Inspired by local charities TWIGS (Therapeutic Work in Gardening Swindon) and The Olive Tree Cafe, the founding members of Every Cloud have all discovered their love of ...

Justin Welcomes Latest Positive News On Help To Buy

Justin Welcomes Latest Positive News On Help To Buy

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed new figures showing that Help to Buy, the Conservative scheme to help people access an affordable mortgage with a small deposit, has helped 15,317 families to buy their own home in the South West, including hundreds of families in Swindon.Across the country, Help to Buy has now enabled nearly 150,000 families to buy a new home. With 80 per cent of those helped being first-time buyers and 95% of completions have been outside of London.Help to Buy is part of our wi...

North Swindon MP & Priory Vale Councillor Join Forces For Successful Swindon College Challenge

North Swindon MP & Priory Vale Councillor Join Forces For Successful Swindon College Challenge

Local MP Justin Tomlinson & Cllr. Emma Faramarzi have supported the annual Swindon College £10 Market Challenge, which he helped to establish in 2013.The Challenge, a fundraising scheme run by Prospect Hospice, challenges teams to start a business with just £10, with all profits going to support the charity. The business students are split into groups and each given a stall at Blunsdon Market to sell their goods.Prospect Hospice are the leading providers of end-of-life care in Swindon and Wi...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 18th March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 18th March

Putting the next generation first. That was the key message of this year’s Budget which was delivered by the Chancellor George Osborne on Wednesday. And what exactly, you might, ask is the Government doing to put the next generation first. To start with, we have created one of the strongest economies in the world thanks to our long-term economic plan. We took the difficult decisions needed to pay down our debts and reduce the deficit so that this burden would not fall onto the next generation. S...

Local MP Welcomes A Budget That Puts The Next Generation In North Swindon First

Local MP Welcomes A Budget That Puts The Next Generation In North Swindon First

Local MP Justin Tomlinson today welcomed a Budget that puts the next generation first – a Budget to make Britain and Swindon fit for the future.The British economy is stronger because we confronted our country’s problems and took the difficult decisions, but we now face the challenge of a dangerous cocktail of global risks. Britain is well prepared to handle this challenge, but only if we act now so we don’t pay later. That’s why this Budget will continue the hard work of securing sound public f...

Justin Backs Swindon To Help Halve Disability Employment Gap

Justin Backs Swindon To Help Halve Disability Employment Gap

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, that the town has been chosen as one of three towns and cities in the UK to trial a new approach aimed at increasing the number of job opportunities for disabled people. The new Small Employer Offer will make it easier for small businesses to hire disabled people. It offers an enhanced package of support for both employers and jobseekers while they are trying to find work and once they have found a job. People participating in ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes The Start Of National Apprenticeship Week In North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes The Start Of National Apprenticeship Week In North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the Government’s commitment to creating apprenticeships at the launch of National Apprenticeship Week 2016.  The growing number of people in North Swindon starting apprenticeships demonstrates that we are delivering on our manifesto commitments.The theme for this year’s National Apprenticeship Week is that an Apprenticeship can take you anywhere, as a growing number of young people are looking to an apprenticeship as an alternative route for people who don't want...

North Swindon MP Shows His Support For National Apprenticeship Week

North Swindon MP Shows His Support For National Apprenticeship Week

Next week is National Apprenticeship Week – a chance to celebrate the opportunities that apprenticeships provide for both employers and young people. An apprenticeship can take you anywhere. Sir Alex Ferguson did one. As did Jamie Oliver, Karen Millen and Sir Ian McKellan. Apprenticeships provide the opportunity for individuals to develop their character, knowledge and life-skills, as well as deliver confidence so that people can reach their full potential. They also boost incomes too. On averag...

Justin Backs Trust STFC's #5KtoCoventry Campaign

Justin Backs Trust STFC's #5KtoCoventry Campaign

Football fan and local MP Justin Tomlinson has lent his support to the Trust’s plans to organise a large away attendance at Swindon Town’s game against Coventry at the Ricoh Arena on March 19.The #5ktoCoventry campaign, backed by the Swindon Advertiser, aims to take a sizeable Red Army to the Midlands for Swindon Town’s crunch League One encounter with Tony Mowbray’s team, with the emphasis on giving young supporters their first taste of a Robins away day.Thanks to sponsorshop from Excalibur, 10...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 4th March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 4th March

Yesterday children of all ages came together to appreciate reading and celebrate the 19th World Book Day. The main aim of World Book Day is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books and reading by providing them with the opportunity to have a book of their own. And of course libraries play a crucial role in this aim as they provide the environment for children (and adults) to have access to a world of literature. I am a regular user of our local libraries - unfortunately my current...